How to Get My Ex Lover Back in 3 Days

Updated on February 11, 2025 by admin

Recite The Below Dua to Get Your Love Back in 3 Days

How do i get my ex lover back? Being in a relationship is the best moment of life, but it depends on how strong your love is. Sometimes, a situation makes a couple break up. But when your relationship is over, your partner decides to break up and ends the relationship with you.

At that point, you think everything is over. But everything is not over until and unless you both feel the same. Likely, you are still in love with your lover, and your lover is also still in love with you. If you even want your lover to return to a relationship with you.

How to Get My Ex Love Back

Although it may appear impossible at times, we can help you enjoy your life with your ex in the same way you did before. It sounds a bit surprising and shaky, but if you want to know how to get your ex-lover back in three days, trust me, my brothers and sisters, it’s possible.

Our Maulana Ji is experienced in this and has already solved such cases. He will tell you how to get your ex-boyfriend back quickly with the help of a simple and easy solution. With the help of Rohani Amal and the holy dua she has to offer, it will be effortless and straightforward for you to get your ex-lover back into a relationship with you.

how to get my ex love back in 3 days by dua
how can i get my ex boyfriend back fast

These holy solutions are compelling and useful. If you implement this solution with complete accuracy and dedication, you can get what you want in 72 hours. From the start of process implementation, you will see signs of a positive outcome, and until the completion of this approach, you can have an ex-lover in your arms.

You can recite this simple Islamic dua when your ex-lover is angry with you and not interested in coming back. But if you want to make your lover come back, then follow the procedure below correctly.

Recite Love Back Islamic Dua

“Rehmant-e-Dullahma Mohabat Ilm Krite“

  • Reciting this dua for the next three days
  • Seven times a day.
  • When you start reciting this dua, you must ensure that the only thoughts that come to mind are thoughts about your ex-lover and the moments you shared.
  • An offering of Islamic dua will help you clean the mind of your ex-lover, which is filled with hatred for you.
  • You will get full help to get your relationship with him or her.

Contact professional experts like us if you need advice on implementing this solution. Only correct guidance can ensure the successful implementation of dua and amal, and they will also be helpful.

If you have anything on your mind, we highly recommend contacting us. We’ll help you find a good approach based on your goals and needs. Even if you use the solution the wrong way for three days, you will still get the result you want.

After getting help from us, insha Allah, with the help of the Almighty Allah, you will solve all your problems related to love.

इसीलिए मेरे भाईयो और बहनों में आपको केह रहा हूं। अगर आपको कोई भी doubt है या फिर आपके मन में कोई भी प्रेशन है। तो आप हमें contact करके पूछ सकते हो। हम जल्दी से जल्दी आपका रिप्लाइ करेंगे। आप हमें call भी कर सकते हो और सीधा हमारे मौलाना जी से बात भी कर सकते हो।

Dua to get your ex-boyfriend back

Here is a commonly recited and powerful dua for reconciliation with a former partner:

“Allahumma inni as’aluka bi haqqi anni wa haqqi muhammadin wa haqqi izze vasis salam, wa bi haqqi ‘ibaadikas saliheen, an taj’alal baaraka fee muhabbatika ila abdika (name of the ex-boyfriend), wa tardhahum ilayka wa tukabbirhum fee kulli halin wa tarhamhum, wa tushaffiqhum bi kulli khayrin, wa tawaffahum bi rahmatika wa tashfiyaha.”

Translation: “Oh Allah, I ask of you with the truth of myself, the truth of Muhammad, the truth of the messengers, and the truth of your righteous servants, to place your blessings in your servant’s (name of the ex-boyfriend’s) love for me and to direct them towards me, to increase their love for me, to make them feel content and satisfied with me, and to grant them your mercy and healing. I also ask you to pray for Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

It’s important to remember that duas do not guarantee a specific outcome and that one’s relationship with a former partner should be based on mutual respect, trust, love, and communication. If issues need to be resolved, it’s best to seek professional help or counseling.

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