Dua to Bring Husband and Wife Closer and Increase Love

Updated on October 14, 2024 by admin

Dua to bring husband and wife closerA good relationship between husband and wife requires love, understanding, giving time, respect, and trust. If you have these factors, you are the happiest person in the world.

Now, let us talk about the opposite: if both the husband and wife don’t have a good relationship, they live their lives as hell, and both are unhappy. As we all know, misunderstandings and disputes are very common nowadays. If they always fight with each other, they will also destroy the peace at home.

In a happy family, if one of the members makes a mistake, the other will tell him or her and give him or her the best advice possible. If the husband is making any mistakes, it is the responsibility of the wife to advise him or her. Similarly, if the wife makes any mistake, the husband must talk to her and give her the best advice possible.

But if your husband or wife is not listening, you can put this on Almighty Allah. And make the dua bring the husband and wife closer. With the help of this powerful dua, you will get some benefits.

Dua to Bring Husband and Wife Together

You know, my brothers and sisters, the dua is that weapon that can be the predominant response to every issue. This is the only dua that can modify our fulfillment with the help of the Almighty Allah. Now, here I will tell you the most powerful dua to bring husband and wife together.

dua to bring husband closer and increase in love
dua to bring husband closer and increase in love

The procedure for this powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer is given below:

  1. Make wudu and wear neat and clean clothes, and then offer all five Salahs in a day.
  2. You can offer this dua on any day or at any time.
  3. Make the Wudu with clean water and offer the Chashat Namaz.
  4. After offering the namaz, recite Durood Sharif 11 times before performing this wazifa.
  5. Now, in the next step, you have to read 100 times the following dua ya wasiu jalla jalaluhu:

“Bismillahi Alwasao Jallah Jalaluhoo”

  1. After reading that powerful Dua bismillahil wasiu jalla jalaluhu 100 times, you must read Durood Sharif 11 times in the end as well. And hence, as a result, in Sha Allah, the Almighty Allah will help you.

Dua to Increase love between husband and wife

There are various duas for many purposes, like for lovers, to bring back lost love between husbands and wives, or to bring love between husbands and wives. A husband-wife couple needs dua to keep their relationship strong. They want to live their lives with joy and happiness. But sometimes, they lose their relationship because of some life problems.

Various people just read it like a chapter for a specific period. They thought they would have a trouble-free life. But, my brothers and sisters, difficulty occurs when you find the right wazifas. Otherwise, it will have negative effects on people. So beware of that.

Our knowledgeable Molvi Sahib offers this potent dua to foster love between husband and wife. Not everyone can offer these types of duas. They don’t have enough knowledge to produce such duas, but only an experienced Molvi Sahib can. Now let us know about the dua to bring husband and wife closer.


The process of dua to bring love between husband and wife is given step by step:-

  1. First of all, make wudu and perform this only on Thursday.
  2. On Thursday night, wake up in the middle of the night and then pray a Tahajjud prayer of two Raqat Nafil.
  3. After that, take a piece of paper and write the following lines:

فَإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَقُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللّهُ لا إِلَـهَ  إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ

تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ

  1. Recite these lines 30 times. Each time you chat, recite the below dua to reunite husband and wife.

If you want to know the meaning of bismillahi alwasao jalla jalaluhu meaning, then its meaning is very nice.

Allahumma Atiffu Qalba [name of your beloved one] Binti [the name of your beloved one’s mother’s name] ala [the name of your beloved one’s father’s name]

Make a dua to Allah that increases the love between husband and wife. In Sha Allah, the Almighty Allah will hear your dua and create love between you and your husband or wife. Also, contact our Mufti Sahab now; the Almighty Allah will help you in Sha Allah.

Dua for love between husband and wife

Here is a commonly recited dua for husband and wife (prayer) for love and harmony between husband and wife in Islam:

“Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin, wa sallim tasleema, bismillahi al wasi jalla jalaluhu.”

Translation: “O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad.”

There are so many bismillahi al wasi jalla jalaluhu benefits if you recite this correctly.

This prayer invokes Allah’s blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad and his family. The Prophet’s relationship with his wife, Aisha, is a model of love, care, respect, and companionship for all Muslim couples. By invoking the blessings of the Prophet, the person making the dua is asking for Allah’s guidance and support in their relationship.

In addition to making this dua, it is also recommended to follow Islam’s teachings, show kindness and respect towards one’s spouse, and improve communication and understanding in the relationship. By doing this, a couple can build a strong, loving, caring, and peaceful relationship based on mutual respect, kindness, and obedience to Allah.

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