Recite Ya Wahabu Yaa Razzaqu 300 times & Become Rich 2025

Updated on March 27, 2025 by admin

Ya wahabu yaa razzaqu 300 times: Nowadays, everyone wants to become rich and successful. Money is a basic need for us now. Humans work day and night to have a lot of money. Hunger for richness and success is not wrong unless you choose the wrong path.

For some people, wealth and success come easily, but for others, wealth and success come after a lot of suffering to earn money and provide a better life for their families. Everyone cannot become rich. But, in Islam, there is a dua for wealth soon. Here are some methods to perform this dua in this post that should be followed:

Ya Wahabu Yaa Razzaqu 300 times

Humans always want success and wealth without doing equally hard work for them. They don’t understand that hard work is the key to success. To become rich and wealthy, you must work hard for it and ask Allah (SWT) for help and guidance.

In the Quran, Allah (SWT) provides every bit of information related to human needs. There are many duas in the Ayaats of the Quran-e-Pak that you can recite to become wealthy. When Hazrat Musa (A.S.) moved away from Egypt and was concerned about his future, he recited a dua in the Quran-e-Pak.

Rabbi Innee Limaa Anzalta Ilayya min Khayrin Faqeer

The dua mentioned above to increase rizq and wealth in one week can make anyone prosperous. The best way to get results from this dua is to memorize it and recite it as much as possible. With this powerful dua, always offer salah on time and take guidance from the Quran-e-Pak in every life decision.

Dua for success, recite Ya wahabu yaa razzaqu 300 times

Ya wahabo meaning to give the majesty of Allah. We all know many people who are famous and successful in their lives. There is no shortcut to becoming famous.

If you work hard, fame will be with you. But if you are a hard worker and unable to get fame, you also need our ya wahabo for wealth and success. Islam is such a beautiful religion that it even rewards you when you make another person smile. If you follow Islam, it will not be difficult for you to become famous.

Here is ya wahabu meaning in Urdu wazifa, what you can do to become famous and successful.

  • Recite Durood Shareef 51 times, then “YA WAHHABU”, ya razzaq 100 times, and “falalar ya razzaqu” 1100 times.
  • In the end, read once again and recite Durood Shareef 51 times.
  • You must regularly perform the wazifa mentioned above for 41 days, and you can perform it after any namaz.

Some people want to know that ya wahabo has 100 times more benefits than brothers and sisters. If you recite it correctly, it has so many ya wahabo ya razzaq benefits.

Dua for rich and wealth

Every human should work hard and be patient to achieve success and wealth. Sometimes, we all have situations where we cannot be patient and wait for a good time. These situations are the real tests of a human’s belief in Islamic dua for getting rich.

Allah says in the Quran-e-Pak, “And be patient over what befalls you.” Allah Pak decided your faith before you came to this world, so be patient and believe in Allah (SWT). In Quran-e-Pak, you can find the solution to every problem and guidance for your life.

Here is a powerful dua for being rich, but you have to work hard with this dua. This dua wazifa can be done only on Sunday after the Salah of Isha. In sha Allah, you will start seeing the result of this amal on Monday. Allah (SWT) will have mercy on you and increase your RIZQ.

The method of amal is given below:

  • After the Salah of Isha, Isha offers two rakaat nawfil.
  • After Nawfil, recite Durood Shareef 11 times and then “YA WAHABU YA RAZAQU” 300 times.
  • After that, recite Durood Shareef 11 times and pray for your desire.
  • Then go to “SAJDA” and recite “Astaghfir-u-Allah” 100 times.

In sha Allah, your desire will be fulfilled, and Allah (SWT) will increase your RIZQ. With this amal, you must offer Salah five times daily and recite the Quran-e-Pak daily.

Recite ya wahabo 100 times

“Ya Wahhab” is one of the names of Allah in Islam, which means “The Giver of All.” It is believed that by reciting the name of Allah, one can attain blessings and fulfill their needs and desires.

Muslims often say certain names of Allah as a form of dhikr (remembering Allah) to feel better spiritually and to ask for blessings and direction. However, it’s important to understand that reciting the name of Allah 100 times or any other number of times does not have any special significance.

In Islam, dhikr should be done with sincerity, humility, and concentration. The number of times the name of Allah is recited is not as important as the intention and the state of the person doing the dhikr.

Reciting the names of Allah or engaging in any other form of worship should not be viewed as a magic spell or charm capable of controlling or harming anyone or anything. The main point of worship is to get closer to Allah and ask for His help and protection. It’s important to lead a righteous and good life, be kind to others, and seek Allah’s help through prayer and supplication.

Ya wahabu wazifa benefits

Here are some benefits that can be gained from reciting the name “Ya Wahhab” as a strong wazifa:

  1. Increase in blessings and sustenance: It is believed that reciting “Ya Wahhab” can increase one’s blessings and sustenance, helping to improve one’s financial situation and overall well-being.
  2. Removal of difficulties: This powerful wazifa is said to help remove obstacles and difficulties in one’s life and bring peace and calm to the heart.
  3. Healing and protection: The name “Ya Wahhab” is believed to have a powerful effect on physical and spiritual health, offering protection from harm and helping to heal physical and emotional wounds.
  4. Increased devotion and closeness to Allah: Reciting this wazifa is said to help increase one’s devotion and closeness to Allah, strengthen one’s connection to the divine, and bring peace and contentment to the heart.


Q. Is there a specific “dua” or prayer that can guarantee wealth?

Ans. No specific “dua” or prayer is guaranteed to make a person wealthy. Islam does not teach that wealth results from making a specific prayer or performing a particular ritual. Rather, Muslims are encouraged to work hard and be productive members of society, as this is one way to achieve financial stability and success.

Q. Is it wrong to seek wealth in Islam?

Ans. No, it is not wrong to seek wealth in Islam as long as it is done responsibly and ethically. Islam teaches that wealth is a blessing from Allah, and it is natural for people to want to improve their financial circumstances. However, Muslims are also taught to be mindful of how they acquire and use their wealth to please Allah and benefit themselves and others.

Q. Is it wrong to ask Allah for wealth in prayer?

Ans. No, it is not wrong to ask Allah for wealth in prayer. Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah in times of need, including when seeking financial stability and prosperity. However, it is important to remember that Allah’s plan for each person may not always align with our desires, and it is important to trust in His wisdom and plan for our lives.


So, brothers and sisters, today in this article, I have provided you with the complete information about Ya wahabu yaa razzaqu 300 times. I hope you like this article, so share it with others.

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