7 Magical Dua for Jobless Husband (100% Tested)

Updated on February 28, 2025 by admin

Dua for Jobless Husband: Are you having financial problems and investigating how to escape them? Then you should make Dua for a good job for my husband to get a job that will bring you in line with your family’s needs.

These are the most powerful dua to get good job for husband and solve jobless problems with step-by-step methods. Millions of people have benefited, and you will also get the answer to your dua, inshallah. Despite the ups and downs of life, scholars have written in various books that we can resolve our problems with a little effort and sincere prayers. Here is a collection of seven powerful duas for jobs: May Allah accept these duas, which are recommended in the Quran and Sunnah.

Dua for Jobless Husband
dua for husband to get job

We found a dua to get my husband a job in light of the Quran and a wazifa, as you can say. Put your whole trust and faith in your Lord’s Most Merciful Power and Strength. Above all, be patient in your agony and fully believe that your Lord is aware of your affliction. Suppress and call none other than Him to deliver you from your affliction.


Here are some basic steps you must follow before implementing this wazifa.

  • Make a fresh ablution.
  • Offer SALAT-E-ASAR.
  • Recite Durood Paak 11 times.
  • Recite “SUARH MOZAMMIL” 11 times.
  • Recite Durood Paak 11 times again.
  • You have to perform the wazifa every Tuesday and repeat it for seven Tuesdays. Inshallah, he will get a job in seven weeks.

2: “SURAH JUMMA” FOR Dua for Jobless Husband:

Surah Jumma is one of the most popular surahs in the Quran. If someone wants to increase their rizq, they must recite this surah every day after Salat-e-Fajr. Surah Jumma is very effective if you can recite it for a job. Whoever recites this Surah 11 times on Friday will be greatly rewarded. Allah SWT will have pleasure with him. This surah is very effective for eliminating hatred between two people. Suppose a person isn’t precise with their time. So, following Asar’s prayer, he shall recite this Surah one time for 40 days. By Allah’s (SWT’s) grace, insha’Allah. He will be punctual with both his time and his prayers.

For 40 days, read this surah thrice in Tahajjud prayer for commercial success. By Allah’s (SWT’s) grace, insha’Allah. Your company will continue to operate. Money will be easy to come by.

Steps to perform the wazifa:

  • Make a fresh ablution.
  • Offer SALAT-E-FAJR.
  • Recite Durood Paak three times.
  • Recite Surah Juma once.
  • Recite “YAA RAZZAAKO” 1000 times.
  • Recite Durood Paak three times.
  • Make dua for your husband, and ask Allah SWT to bestow mercy upon you.
  • Repeat the wazifa until your husband gets the job.

This wazifa is beneficial and effective, but only if you recite it wholeheartedly. I make dua to get a job for my husband with full faith in Allah SWT; He is the only one capable of everything. You can’t recite the wazifa in periods, but you can continue it after your periods using the same method.

3: RECITE Dua for Jobless Husband:

  • Make a fresh ablution.
  • Offer SALAT-E-ISHA.
  • Recite Durood-e-Shareef 11 times and then recite this Ayat from SURAT BAQRAH (137)
  • فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ ۚ وَهُوَ ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلْعَلِيمُ
  • Recite this Ayat 180 times after the Isha prayer.
  • Please continue until you secure your position.
  • If your wife wants to perform the wazifa instead of your husband, she can recite it using the same method.

4: Dua for jobless husband:

  • Make a fresh ablution.
  • Offer SALAT-E-ISHA.
  • Recite Durood Ibrahim 11 times after the obligatory prayer.
  • Recite the AYAT 300 times every night.
  • حَسبنا الله و نعم الوکیل نعم المولی و نعم النصیر
  • Recite Durood Paak 11 times again.
  • Repeat this wazifa for 41 days.
  • If you want to recite the wazifa for your husband, you can proceed with the same procedure. You can recite the wazifa in periods as well.


  • Make ablution.
  • Offer SALAT-E-FAJIR.
  • Recite Durood Paak 100 times.
  • Recite this Dua 11 times

اللّٰهُ يَبۡسُطُ الرِّزۡقَ لِمَنۡ يَّشَآءُ مِنۡ عِبَادِهٖ وَيَقۡدِرُ لَهٗ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِكُلِّ شَىۡءٍ عَلِيۡمٌ‏ ﴿۶۲

  • Recite Durood Paak again 100 times.
  • Make sure to blow on the water and give it to your husband.
  • Repeat the wazifa for 21 days.

7: Dua to get job immediately:

  • Make fresh ablution
  • Recite Durood Paak eleven times (11 times).
  • Between Salat-E-Asar and Salat-E-Maghrib, pray, recite the name of Allah Subhaana Tala “YAA MOIZZO” countless times every Thursday, and pray to Allah Subhaana Tala to fulfill your wishes.
  • This strong wazifa will magically affect you, and soon, your husband will get a suitable job.

Dua for getting a job

Here is a traditional dua (prayer) for seeking guidance and success in finding a job (any job):

“O Allah, I ask You for the best of this matter (i.e., finding a job) and the good of what follows it, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of this matter and the evil of what follows it. O Allah, make this matter easy for me and make it a means of my success.”

It is important to remember that while reciting duas can be a meaningful way to ask for help and blessings in finding a job, the success of the job search ultimately depends on the person’s efforts and qualifications. Along with making dua, it’s also important to take practical steps such as networking, polishing your Resume, and preparing for interviews.

Dua for good job

Here is a dua for getting job (supplication) that Muslims can recite to seek a good job:

“Allahumma innee as’aluka al-‘aalami wal-‘amal wa khaira mawqif fi ma sa’altu.”

Translation: “Oh Allah, I ask You for the means of sustenance, good deeds, and a good outcome in what I have asked for.”

Reciting this dua can help people express their sincere intention to seek a good job and Allah’s guidance and blessings. However, it’s crucial to remember that dua should be accompanied by effort and action. A person should strive to acquire the necessary skills and education and actively seek job opportunities. One should also maintain a positive attitude, be patient, be calm, and trust Allah’s plan and guidance.

Final thought:

The Messenger of Allah Used To Say This Supplication During Salat-E-Fajr. Allaahumma innee assaluka ilman nafia, wa rizzqan tayyeebun, wa amalan mutaqabilan.

Allah has written our sustenance. No one can take our Rizq from us. We can bless our sustenance through our efforts and supplications. Recite Dua to get a job for my husband. We are 100% sure you’ll get a wonderful job, which should be good for you and your family.

If you have any other questions, contact Moulana Sahab through the WhatsApp number on the website.

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