Updated on February 15, 2025 by admin
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon all of you.
The talaq, or divorce problem, is a very common issue in the world for both men and women. The major concern is that children in divorce are more likely to experience poverty. There are also some other symptoms, like educational failure, early and risky sexual activity, non-marital childbirth, earlier marriage, cohabitation, marital discord, and divorce.

If a husband is callous to his wife, like:
- He physically tortures his wife.
- She presses her to get the money from her parents.
- Do gair-sharia things with his wife.
- Don’t like her.
In such a case, a wife can seek talaq from her husband. But if the husband is not ready to give the talaq to his wife, then tell the husband’s family and your family first. Put all these things in front of the family.
The family should now make the decision.
In the Holy Book of Quran, Chapter 2, Surah Baqarah, Verse 229, Allah says: A talaq is only permissible twice; after that, the parties should hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness. You (men) are not allowed to take back gifts from your wives unless both of you are afraid that you won’t be able to stay within the limits set by Allah.
There is no fault on either of them if she gives something in exchange for her freedom if the judges do indeed worry that they won’t be able to adhere to the restrictions Allah should impose.
My brothers and sisters, adhere to these restrictions as they are established by Allah. If anyone transgresses the limits ordained by Allah, then that person is wronging themselves and others.
Talaq Hone ki Dua or Talaq Lene ki dua
In terms of Shariah, it is known as “Khula” when the woman initiates the talaq proceedings.
When a woman seeks khula, her husband has a right to demand that she repay him the Mehr he had paid her at the time of nikah or marriage.
If you want to know the Talaq hone ki dua or the Talaq lene ki dua, my dear brothers and sisters, no particular dua is prescribed or written in the Quran. There is no sunnah for a woman seeking talaq from her husband. The woman should have beseeched Allah Subhanah in her language and asked the Almighty Allah to help her, guide her, and save her from the evil deeds of her husband.
Talaq Rokne ki Dua
Talaq rokne ki dua works in real life, and here I will tell you about one of the best, strongest, and most helpful duas that will handle talaq as soon as possible.
Talaq ki dua, my brothers and sisters, consistently fortifies human beginnings. This dua also makes possible what is not possible in this world.
In the Quran, there are many duas, and you have to implement these duas so you can live your life better. I agree with that. There must be a heart connection between husband and wife, but sometimes they fight.
Friends, here I will tell you the powerful talak dua. Don’t ever think that this dua will work or not. This Wazifa or Dua works in real life; you can find the results by implementing it.
Procedures for implementing talaq rokne ki Dua:
- First of all, make wudu and read the Tahajjud Namaz.
- After praying the Tahajjud Namaz, recite the following dua 500 times daily.
“Allah Umma BariloAla;
Muham-meedin waala Aali;
Muhm _Madin Kamasallyta Ala;”
- After reciting that dua, you have to repeat the following Surah’s ayat 21 times per day:
“Surah Furqaan Ayat Number 73, 74, and 77;
- After that, read Surah Tariqe Chap. 86 on Arafat Day.
And then leave your problem to the Almighty Allah. In Sha Allah, Allah will help you and give you all the happiness in your life. After that, your spouse will also become pregnant. Aameen.
Talaq se bachne ki dua
It’s important to remember that divorce should always be the last option and that every effort should be made to solve problems in marriage through open communication, understanding, and getting expert advice.
It’s important to remember that getting married is a big deal and shouldn’t be done on a whim. Divorce can significantly impact everyone involved, including children and extended family members, so it’s important to ensure that all options have been considered before making a decision.
It’s also important to remember that it’s inappropriate to force or manipulate someone into staying in a relationship against their will. A healthy relationship is built on mutual consent, trust, and respect. It’s important to seek help from experts, such as counselors or therapists, to work through any issues impacting the relationship.