Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil Wazifa for Halal Rizq, Love Marriage

Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil Wazifa

Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil Wazifa: Seeking comfort and guidance from a higher power can be highly comforting during times of difficulty, worry, tension, or confusion. Many people look to their faith and spirituality as sources of endurance and strength. A common practice is chanting or reciting the powerful prayer “Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil.” This wazifa, which has … Read more

Dua Wazifa to Win Court Case

dua for winning court case

Dua for winning a court case: Assalamualaikum, brothers and sisters. Are you that man or woman who has faced court cases so many times? But after facing them many times, you still don’t get any benefits or the best results from the court’s judges. Now, you are looking for ways and methods to get a … Read more

3 Din Me Rishta Hone ka Wazifa in Quran (100% Guaranteed)

3 Din Me Rishta Hone ka Wazifa

In the Islamic tradition, a spiritual practice or dua known as “3 din me rishta hone ka wazifa” is said to help one find a suitable life mate or receive a marriage proposal within three days. Achi jaga rishta hone ka wazifa involves reading specific Quranic verses while making a special dua to ask Allah … Read more

Wazifa for Immediate Hajat in One Day

immediate hajat wazifa

Powerful wazifa for any wish: Hajat of every individual means particular dreams of an individual. Do you have some critical hajats, specific requests, or dreams in your heart? Do you have a strong desire to see your dreams come true? If yes, this article is only for you, my brothers and sisters. Immediate Hajat Wazifa … Read more

Wazifa to Stop Marriage Fast

Is your husband or wife unwilling to share his or her life with you for personal reasons? This could be due to several factors, including the fact that he or she is having another affair with someone else. That’s why he or she doesn’t want to live with you, and maybe he or she will … Read more

Powerful Wazifa for Job in Abroad and Promotion

powerful wazifa for job in abroad and promotion

Wazifa for getting good job: Assalamualaikum, my dear brothers and sisters. In this article, we are going to provide you with the dua to get job in abroad, along with its wazifa. May Allah help us all and give us all his blessings. Bismillah Hirrahmaa Nirrahim. You know, my brothers and sisters, that Islam is … Read more

Dua, Wazifa For One Sided Love

dua, wazifa for one sided love

What Islam says about one sided love: Assalamualaikum, brothers and sisters! Bismillah, Hirrahma Nirrahim. If you love someone and your love is one-sided, then you are in the right place. Because here in this article, I will tell you the dua to one-sided love with the help of this dua. You will easily make someone … Read more

Wazifa, Istikhara, Dua for Divorce or Leave Husband

divorce dua wazifa

In Islam, divorce is known as “talaq.” It is a process where a husband and wife separate from each other and live their lives separately. In simple words, divorce ends the marriage relationship for a lifetime, and there are various reasons behind this. Firstly, both husband and wife do not match their mutual understanding. When … Read more

Dua Wazifa For Marriage Proposal and Acceptance

dua wazifa for marriage proposal

Sometimes, when you want or try to marry your son or daughter, it’s not just your son or daughter. But also for you—the person suitable for your son, daughter, or yourself. You are not getting the marriage proposal from that person’s family or from that person. As a result of this, you need a hazrat … Read more

Shohar ko Kabu karne ka wazifa, Dua and Amal

Shohar ko Kabu karne ka wazifa, Dua and Amal

Assalamualaikum, brothers and sisters! As we know, in Islam, there is a big role for the husband (shohar) and wife (biwi), and when husband and wife love each other, the Almighty Allah gives them his blessings and gives their lives joy and happiness. But if some problems or difficulties arise in the relationship between husband … Read more

Jaldi Ameer Hone ka Wazifa, Dua and Tarika

Jaldi Ameer Hone ka Wazifa, Dua and Tarika

Ameer banne ka wazifa: Becoming wealthy is not bad in this world. If you want to earn money, then that comes under your success. In today’s world, inflation is increasing daily, and that’s why every person wants to earn a tremendous amount of money. Nobody disputes that anyone has a lot of money, but he … Read more

Manpasand Marzi ki Shadi ki Dua and Wazifa

Manpasand Marzi ki Shadi ki Dua and Wazifa

Love is unquestionably the most beautiful thing in life. Love is so powerful because it has the sheer ability to move the tallest of mountains and penetrate the hardest of rocks. Every individual’s dream is to marry the love of their life. In a traditional country like India, love marriages are difficult compared to other … Read more

Dua Wazifa to Make Someone Love You Again

Dua Wazifa to Make Someone Love You Again

Dua to have everyone’s love and respect: Love is an amazing feeling that one gets from a partner. Defining love in words is a very difficult task for everyone. People who love someone can’t imagine their lives without each other. They always remember the special moments and wonderful times spent with their loved ones. If … Read more