Updated on March 22, 2025 by admin
Are you finding the best solution to increasing love in a marriage? If you’ve tried everything to increase your love but keep failing, you should try our dua to increase love in marriage once. We hope you will not need to find any other solution.
When the time comes, we will tell you the best way to increase your love for marriage. When you need it, we will perform our dua to increase love between husband and wife in Islam. You will get the desired result in the form of happiness due to true love and happiness. You should consult our Maulana Ji for every love issue, and he will help you.

The love between husband and wife doesn’t need to remain the same in each situation because misunderstandings may arise. We must perform this dua to increase love between husband and wife for a happy married life.
To get the most benefit from our dua to increase love between husband and wife, you should follow our instructions for dua with your life partner (husband or wife). Our love dua will fulfill your married life with much love, joy, and happiness, and no problem will come into being in your married life.
Dua to increase love in husband heart
You know, brothers and sisters, that the relationship and love between husband and wife are the best things in the eyes of Almighty Allah, and when the husband needs the wife’s help in Sha Allah, the wife will be there. When the wife needs the husband’s help in Sha Allah, the husband will be there.
Do you feel that your husband doesn’t love you? If your doubt is true, then you should generate a feeling of love in his heart. Perform the procedure of our dua to increase love in husband heart now and find the desired result.
If you follow the procedure step by step, dua will increase love between husband and wife. Your husband will realize his mistakes and like you more than anyone else. You should have a good heart before using dua for wife love and not do anything bad for your husband.
This dua to increase love between siblings helps with husband-wife love or anything else. This is an Islamic dua for love. It is one of the most powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer. In the Quran, Allah solves all kinds of life’s problems. We have to read and follow the Quran.
Here is the Dua to Increase Love in Husband Heart:
- Firstly, go and take a shower
- Then do proper wudu.
- After Wudu, sit in a calm place where no one will disturb you.
- Now you have to read this below dua for love between husband and wife 303 times.
Ya Wadudu Ya Raufu Ya Raheemu
یم رح یا رؤوف یا ودود یا
After reading this, you must think of your husband or wife and then make a dua to Allah. In the name of Allah, He will listen to your dua and increase your spouse’s love for you.
Dua to increase love Between spouses
A spouse is the most important person in everyone’s life because he or she supports them in every situation. So, we need to improve the importance of spouses with our dua to increase the love between spouses right now.
Using the process of our dua to increase love of husband spouses is so simple. With the help of our astrologers, you will not have any problems during this dua procedure. You must follow our instructions to get the full effect of a powerful dua. You can also send your query via the comment form given below. We will wait for your kind response.
This is the best dua to increase love between spouses. After applying this dua, it is so simple, and you have to recite some other duas, like Darood Shareef.
Here is that Islamic dua to increase love between spouses:
- You have to read or recite this dua after offering an ISHA NAMAZ immediately
- Before Dua, you have to recite the Darood Shareef 11 times
- After that, you recite Surah Hijr Ayat 47, 101 times. Surah Hijar is also known as the surah to increase love between husband and wife.
- Then, recite those Ayat given below 777 times, not less than 777 times, and keep your spouses in your mind and heart. Now, this Ayat is given as Innallaha Yusmaiu Mayash Ahu 777 times
- After that, again, recite Darood Shareef 11 times.
- After reciting this, you have to make dua, and Insha Allah, Allah will help you increase love in your spouse and fulfill your married life with full-on joy and happiness.
Contact our Mufti Sahab now, and with the help of Allah, he will help you.
I don’t understand daroon sharif.thanks for your darsu
Darood Shareef