Rishta Todne ka Amal, Wazifa, Mantra or Taweez

Rishta Todne ka amal, wazifa

Mangni todne ka wazifa: All four Arabic terms—amal, wazifa, kala jadu, and taweez—mean that in Islam, those who cannot solve their problems carry amal. We are getting closer to the list of the least complex, meaning the implementer will be more empowered. The forces of mesmerizing implementers, who can coordinate the casualty with the satisfaction of … Read more

Wazifa, Istikhara, Dua for Divorce or Leave Husband

divorce dua wazifa

In Islam, divorce is known as “talaq.” It is a process where a husband and wife separate from each other and live their lives separately. In simple words, divorce ends the marriage relationship for a lifetime, and there are various reasons behind this. Firstly, both husband and wife do not match their mutual understanding. When … Read more

Dua for Getting Talaq

Dua for Getting Talaq

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon all of you. The talaq, or divorce problem, is a very common issue in the world for both men and women. The major concern is that children in divorce are more likely to experience poverty. There are also some other symptoms, … Read more

Dua to Make Husband Obedient

make husband obedient

Dua to make husband obedient: If you are that wife whose husband is not obedient or not very obedient and your husband is not listening to your suggestions, then today you are going to get a definite solution to your problems. I requested that Dua make her husband obey. While performing this dua to make … Read more

Dua to Bring Husband and Wife Closer and Increase Love

dua to bring husband closer and increase in love

Dua to bring husband and wife closer: A good relationship between husband and wife requires love, understanding, giving time, respect, and trust. If you have these factors, you are the happiest person in the world. Now, let us talk about the opposite: if the husband and wife don’t have a good relationship, they live their lives as … Read more

Dua to Make Something Happen Fast

dua to make something happen fast

Assalamualaikum, my brothers and sisters! Dua to Make Something Come True: Bismillah Hirrahma Nirrahim Allah tests us in every way. He knows everything about us, so he passes us through difficult times that should be difficult for us. But indeed, Allah, do you know why he is doing this? Because he is preparing us and … Read more

Dua Wazifa For Marriage Proposal and Acceptance

dua wazifa for marriage proposal

Sometimes, when you want or try to marry your son or daughter, it’s not just your son or daughter. But also for you—the person suitable for your son, daughter, or yourself. You are not getting the marriage proposal from that person’s family or from that person. As a result of this, you need a hazrat … Read more

Powerful Dua to Get True Love Back

love back dua

Dua to get someone back: Assalamualaikum, my brothers and sisters! Bismillah, Hirrahma Nirrahim. Love is a beautiful and important gift from our Almighty Allah. Without love and trust, everything looks like an empty vessel. Love is the sweetest feeling, and it involves many emotions, such as care, trust, and, most crucially, respect. As you know, getting … Read more

Dua to Remove Black Magic Permanently in Islam

dua to remove black magic in islam

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Black magic is one of the most dangerous things in art, and if someone knows about black magic, he or she will do anything to the person to whom he or she wants to do this black magic. If someone is knowledgeable about black magic, they can carry out … Read more

Shohar ko Kabu karne ka wazifa, Dua and Amal

Shohar ko Kabu karne ka wazifa, Dua and Amal

Assalamualaikum, brothers and sisters! As we know, in Islam, there is a big role for the husband (shohar) and wife (biwi), and when husband and wife love each other, the Almighty Allah gives them his blessings and gives their lives joy and happiness. But if some problems or difficulties arise in the relationship between husband … Read more

Jaldi Ameer Hone ka Wazifa, Dua and Tarika

Jaldi Ameer Hone ka Wazifa, Dua and Tarika

Ameer banne ka wazifa: Becoming wealthy is not bad in this world. If you want to earn money, then that comes under your success. In today’s world, inflation is increasing daily, and that’s why every person wants to earn a tremendous amount of money. Nobody disputes that anyone has a lot of money, but he … Read more

Dua for Marriage after Engagement

Dua for Marriage after Engagement

Powerful Dua to Get Married Fast After Engagement Dua after marriage: Would you like to marry your lover as soon as possible after their engagement? Can’t you separate from each other and want to spend your special moments with each other? We know that after an engagement, a couple can’t live without their partner. They … Read more

Manpasand Marzi ki Shadi ki Dua and Wazifa

Manpasand Marzi ki Shadi ki Dua and Wazifa

Love is unquestionably the most beautiful thing in life. Love is so powerful because it has the sheer ability to move the tallest of mountains and penetrate the hardest of rocks. Every individual’s dream is to marry the love of their life. In a traditional country like India, love marriages are difficult compared to other … Read more

Dua Wazifa to Make Someone Love You Again

Dua Wazifa to Make Someone Love You Again

Dua to have everyone’s love and respect: Love is an amazing feeling that one gets from a partner. Defining love in words is a very difficult task for everyone. People who love someone can’t imagine their lives without each other. They always remember the special moments and wonderful times spent with their loved ones. If … Read more

Islamic Dua for Love and Attraction

Love Attraction Dua

Dua is the most effective way to sort out every love and attraction problem. It not only solves love- and attraction-related issues, but it can also help with marriage-related issues. A dua’s connection is direct from Allah. It should be recited with a pure heart. It works the same as any Wazifa. Dua is used … Read more

Dua to Get your Lost Love Back

Dua to get your lost love back

Dua for getting love back: Do you want to regain your lost love? Are you suffering from love problems and searching for solutions through dua, waifs, taweez, vashikaran, black magic, etc.? We know that spending time without love is the most challenging task. At that time, you can’t do your job correctly. You can’t trust anyone easily, and you … Read more

Dua Istikhara for Love and Love Marriage

dua istikhara for love and love marriage

Love marriage is the most beautiful marriage because you have already spent time with your partner. You will not need much time to understand the nature of your partner. In an arranged marriage, it will take some days, even months, to understand your partner’s behaviour. But in most cases, love marriage eliminates many issues, such … Read more